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POR FAVOR REPORTE CUALQUIER BUG en la seccion de Bugs del proyecto
recuerde que esta es una version alfa y todavia no esta lista para uso reas sino para pruebas solamente

0.0.16 alpha3
Probablemente la ultima version alfa, reporta cualquier error!
+Ahora se pueden eliminar ventas, compras y productos
+varias mejoras
+las traducciones se han actualizado
+se ha cambiado el nombre de algunos controles para que sean mas convencionales (Codigo solamente)
- algunos controles y codigo sin usar removido
*resueltos algunos problemas cuando se aplican los estilos visuales de winxp
*Corregidos algunos problemas cuando se añadian ventas y compras
*Corregidos muchos bugs

0.0.15 alpha2
Segunda version alfa, corregidos algunos bugs y algunas nuevas funcionalidades (peligrosas) añadidas
+Ahora el usuario puede seleccionar la base de datos a utilizar
+Añadida ventana para eliminar productos (con una gran advertencia por supuesto)
+Añadida una traduccion a frances
*Corregidos algunos errores menores

0.0.14 alpha
first alpha release, ready for testing, you should uninstall previous versions before using this one, please report all bugs in the project page
*DATABASE HAS CHANGED, so you wont be able to use previous databases
+employees should show sales and buys
+now the button modify work in the products window
+added fullscreen mode
+improved interface
+updated languages
-removed more dead code
-removed some dead controls and menus
*fixed some datacombos behavior
*fixed a bunch of bugs

0.0.13 pre alpha
hopefully this will be the last pre alpha release, the next will have enough functionality to be an alpha release.
*FIXED major screw up in the installer and the source, now it should be able to find the database in the app.path!! (sorry for that)
+Now there are two databases shiping, the default and an example
+Modifying products should work now
+improved interface and added some new icons
+Added a shortcut to the project homepage and the forums
+improved the about dialog
+updated spanish language file
-removed some dead code
*fixed a lot of minor bugs

0.0.12 pre alpha
Again, a preview Release, mostly working on the interface, not added any major new functionality
+replaced the toolbar for a listbar
-removed the login screen (at leat until it is functional)
+created a new splash screen
+improved a lot of icons
+added a couple of windows (modify product, supliers, product types, etc), but dont have any functionality yet
*fixed a couple of bugs

0.0.11 pre alpha
Another Preview Release, fixed some nasty bugs from the first release but still not suitable for work, still waiting for some help :D By now the following features should work fine enough:
+adding sales, and modifying/deleting the products while selling, same with the buys
+adding products
+adding modifying customers
+adding modifying employees
*Fixed some bugs
Features still missing (working on the other stuffs yet)
-adding modifying product types
-adding modifying supliers
-printinf reports

0.0.10 pre alpha
This Release is only to see if the package is working in others computers or if something is missing, also to see if I'm going the right way with the program or if there is something missing or something screwed up, the features that should already be working are:
+adding sales (bills)
+adding products
+adding/modifying customers

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Copyright © 2006 Franklin Orellana

El nombre Retailer.Org es propiedad de Franklin Orellana y el programa esta cubierto bajo la GNU General Public License, para mas informacion contacte al author, o visite los foros en sourceforge.net.