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The future...


Retailer.Org is a POS (Point Of Sale), free program destined to help the retailers to have a detailed control of the inventory, sales, buys, employees, clients and supliers in real time, the objective is to make it as universal as possible, so all kind of retailers can benefit from the program, whether is a mini-market, super market, shoe stores, drug stores, etc. We will also try to make it factible for the program to be used in large sales volume business, so it will be optimized to be used with barcode readers and the right equipment.

For the moment the program is still in an early stage of development so it is not yet ready for real use, if you want we would appreciate that you help us develop the program, you can help us in a lot of ways, whether programming, reporting bugs, helping in the design, improving the interface, suggesting ideas for it, improving or maintaining this web page, translating, etc. if you want to help us please make a post in the forums and let us now.

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Copyright © 2006 Franklin Orellana

The name Retailer.Org is property of Franklin Orellana and the program is covered under the GNU General Public License, for more information please contact the author, or visit the forums in sourceforge.net.